Sunday, June 17, 2012

Creative Hour

As I am beginning to peel back the thin layer of skin on my delicate orange, I carefully toss one into my parched mouth. Over stimulated with zest, my taste buds sense all of the vitamin C and rich nutrients marinating against my once lifeless tongue. My lips begin to press together in which the sensation of the citrus travel up to my pupils and in a matter of seconds my tear ducts fill with a salty substance. Trying to wipe my tears from my eyes, my emotions fill with regret as I forgot to wipe my hands from the acidic liquids secreted by the orange. I run to my bathroom and wash my eyes through some warm water. I go to dry my eyes and instantaneously I see a flash of light. For a second I thought I was dead, but to my belief I was thrown back in time as my younger self. Seeing myself in my own superhero outfit was such an unusual feeling. I was more sculpted, and actually had body tone unlike the current shape I was in. Not only did I notice my muscles, but I also felt amazing. I felt like I could run for miles and not be out of breath. Seeing and being in my “old” self really inspired and got myself to think that I lived my life to the fullest and I shouldn’t be depressed or look down on how I spent my time as a superhero. As this epiphany hit me everything went blurry again and I found myself in my bathroom staring at what was once a so called “superhero”. I soon decided to drag my wrinkled butt back out into my living quarters. I sit myself back down at the table where the oranges were neatly arranged and hesitantly grab out for one. In mid grab I pierce the skin or the perfectly symmetrical orange with my thumb and then SQUIRT! The zest found its way in my eye yet again.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"Public Display of Disaffection"

            The main purpose of the article “Public Displays of Disaffection” by Anne Kingston is to ultimately raise awareness and alert the reader about how terrible the new generation of teens and adults are for using their phones at inappropriate times. One of the ways that the author shows this is that she displays statistics of a percentage of students at the University of New York that are not fine with texting in front of a friend or guest. Another point she makes is that it is distracting; she puts in other articles and events that are about banning cellular devices completely in schools, restaurants, and other public places. Though this is an extreme look on the situation, the author neutralizes it by also showing example where the “Vancouver Upintheair Theatre [has] a section of the balcony reserved for people to blog and tweet.” Though the author of the article has strong opinions of cell phones and them not being used, I feel that I would have to agree with her about them being a negative part of the new generation. Technology has grown at a great speed and to this day is still growing. Although technology is a wonderful thing for “us” teens and adults, people do not realize the linguistics of the future we are building for our children or for our children’s, children. I find that cell phones have a negative impact towards my life and other people’s lives because it creates a generation of antisocial human beings. In Anne Kingston’s article, she describes it as an addiction. “In a recent survey by dating site Zoosk, a third of singles said they’d left a date early because the other person was ‘constantly glancing at their cell’.”” Soon enough holding a one-on-one conversation between a friend or a date might not last long without the help of a cell phone to look at.

            There are many times where cell phones are acceptable for example when you are at home, during breaks at school, or in a legitimate emergency. Times where it is unacceptable is when a person is directly talking to someone and that person is too busy texting to respond. Another example of when cell phones are unacceptable is during a lecture in university or even in classes during school. I find that schools should not install jammers to discontinue usage within classes’ because as much as all the staff and administration hate cell phones, it can be a positive device for the students and the teachers. It can be positive for example in English Literature 12, majority of students had a cell phone with a camera, in which our project was to take a picture of yourself performing a scene that had to do with a theme of the poem. This situation both benefited the teacher and the students. Cell phone usage in class time is all about self control, if the students are constantly going on their cell phones when teachers are talking that is completely disrespectful but at other times it can both work out. Although there is a lot of controversy about the topic of “cell phones” in general, technology is constantly evolving. With it growing so fast, it can harm and have negative effects towards people. But with all the negative there is always a silver lining found within.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Art of Racing in the Rain

The Art of Racing in the Rain
“Deep in the kernel of our family existed a bond; Denny, Zoe, Eve, me, and even my stuffed dog. However things might change around us, we would always be together.” (Pg.106)

          In the novel, “The Art of Racing in the Rain” Denny meets his soul mate Eve, and he introduces her to Enzo which is his beloved K9 and ultimately his best friend. Enzo is quite hesitant about her but he soon trusts and welcomes her into the family. Later in the novel, Denny finds out that Eve is diagnosed with terminal Cancer which puts him and her loved ones in distraught. The passage above ultimately shows how united they are as a family and how they use each other for support and to stay strong. Denny’s emotions definitely show throughout the time that Eve is in the hospital for example he becomes very irritable and more disorganized. Nevertheless he seeks hope and support through his beautiful daughter Zoe and his amazing friend Enzo. I can see how Denny’s actions are portrayed throughout his tough time because I can relate to losing someone to Cancer. It can potentially be the worst time of your life grieving, but if provided the essential things such as good support, soft lotion Kleenex and maybe even man’s best friend the process can be bearable. Denny’s daughter Zoe is undoubtedly quite lucky growing up into a family that loves her unconditionally and would move the face of the world to help her out for a better life.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


     If I could obtain any superpower in the world, I would automatically choose having the power of “The Force”. The force is a prestigious superpower used by many Jedi Knights in the “Star Wars” saga, which also gives them physical and mental abnormal abilities. This would be my ideal superpower because it would evidently be beneficial to me, many of my peers and society in general. Having the power of the force would be the best superpower because I could use it to my advantage. For example if I was too lazy to grab a book that is 10 feet away from me, I could use my telekinesis power and bring it to myself without straining my back or moving out of my chair. Another great power that comes with the force is telepathy. Telepathy would come in handy whenever I would want to alter my odds of winning in a poker game. With all the money that I “earn”, I could give a portion away to my friends or better yet charity. Throughout high school, I always wanted to push and shove grade 9’s when they don’t move in the hallways. The great ability of the force allows me to generate enough power to clear the hallway with a single push. I can finally say goodbye to all my worries of awkwardly maneuvering through clusters of people blocking the hallways. With superhuman strength, sure you can knock someone out with a single powerful punch. With the force you could avoid confrontation and alter the person’s state of mind to be more peaceful. Without a doubt, the power of the force would be the most superior compared to any other superpower known to man kind.  

Monday, June 13, 2011

Macbeth Newspaper Article

Reign of Macbeth, No More!

Macbeth Slain by Macduff

The King of Scotland’s reign of terror was no more, when Macduff was seen carrying Macbeth’s decapitated head yesterday afternoon. Citizens have believed that Macbeth’s tyrant would soon be no more, when they saw Macduff arrive with his militia. A Gentle woman stated that Lady Macbeth was feeling quite ill before Macbeth went to face Macduff, and later jumped to her death.


 Macduff claims that the former King of Scotland told him that “[he] bears a charmed life, which must not yield to one of woman born.” Reporters believe that Macbeth thought he was invulnerable to the power of man who was born of a woman. “Macduff, was from his mother’s womb untimely ripp’d”, which reporters believe that is why he was destined to kill Macbeth. Reporters also believe that Macduff had motives to kill Macbeth because Macbeth was secretly behind the killing of his wife and children.

Although Scotland has lost a blood-thirsty King who was hungry for power, they gained a new noble one as well. Malcolm, decedent of Duncan now holds the throne of Scotland. Citizens are pleased that their new King comes from a great father and hope to see great things with his new title.

Monday, May 30, 2011

A Moral Dilemma

123 Green Ave.
Penticton, British Columbia
V2A 3T1

May 30th, 2011

City Hall
345 Main St.
Penticton, British Columbia
V2A 3Y2

Dear Mr. Mayor,
I send you this letter of reconciliation, concerning Mr. Gunter Grass' irrefutable evidence of commanding a Nazi concentration camp in Poland. I am aware that you know about Mr. Grass' horrible things during the time of the holocaust but I am hoping you will reconsider your thoughts about exposing this to the public.

If you look at Mr. Grass' life, he lived it quite well throughout his ninety-two years of being alive. If you look back at his achievements in life, except his wrong doings in the holocaust, you will see that he has done many positive deeds. As you can see from his records, he served as mayor for thirty-two years. In his years of being mayor he did admirable deeds for the public. He built a profitable factory where many people in the village enjoy working, and are well paid. Without his help of building a place for people to work, the citizens of the village would be making no money to support the needs of their children or themselves. Without this kind of help that Mr. Grass has contributed, the village would of possibly been in a state of poverty. 

Gunter Grass has done exceptional and kind-hearted deeds towards the society of the village. He is looked at as a model citizen and generous man. Over the years of being mayor, he donated very large amounts of money to different charities and would socialize and study the citizens of the village. The people that were in debt and need the money he would aid them and make sure they had enough to cover their expenses.