Tuesday, April 26, 2011

One Year to Live

It’s an average school day and I am going for a monthly check-up. Everything seems to be normal. Waiting to see the results, I hope everything is up to date in my intricate body. To the corner of my eye I can see that my doctor is quite tense and starts to pace around the room impatiently. As soon as I see this I know that something is not right. The doctor comes towards me and speaks softly, but everything that comes out of her mouth is complete gibberish. She eases up on her doctor jargon and bluntly explains that I have a rare cancer growing in my lungs and I only have one year to live. Completely speechless I to go through every event of my life trying to find details or hints of this unknown species that is taking over my body. Every time I think about it, all I hear is “Unfortunately you only have one year to live.” Thinking about it more and more makes me sick to my stomach; I just want to believe that this is just not happening to me. Even though I will die in a year I know I will have to look at the positives such as what I will accomplish in my lifetime. One year probably feels like a long time but to someone who is dying it is not enough. I realize that my priorities in my life are to become closer to my family and friends. With this horrible news I would want my family to not worry so much about my death and to slowly accept it. The last thing I want would be that my family and friends to be grieving for the rest of their lives. My main goal would be travelling just once outside of Canada and see the world differently. I would hope that everything would stay the same. I would go to school and live my life normally, but I would hate the people who say they are sorry for me. I never liked to be the center of attention and with this news it would make it worse. I would hope that later coming close to that year I would accept my death and be happy about my purpose in life.