Monday, June 13, 2011

Macbeth Newspaper Article

Reign of Macbeth, No More!

Macbeth Slain by Macduff

The King of Scotland’s reign of terror was no more, when Macduff was seen carrying Macbeth’s decapitated head yesterday afternoon. Citizens have believed that Macbeth’s tyrant would soon be no more, when they saw Macduff arrive with his militia. A Gentle woman stated that Lady Macbeth was feeling quite ill before Macbeth went to face Macduff, and later jumped to her death.


 Macduff claims that the former King of Scotland told him that “[he] bears a charmed life, which must not yield to one of woman born.” Reporters believe that Macbeth thought he was invulnerable to the power of man who was born of a woman. “Macduff, was from his mother’s womb untimely ripp’d”, which reporters believe that is why he was destined to kill Macbeth. Reporters also believe that Macduff had motives to kill Macbeth because Macbeth was secretly behind the killing of his wife and children.

Although Scotland has lost a blood-thirsty King who was hungry for power, they gained a new noble one as well. Malcolm, decedent of Duncan now holds the throne of Scotland. Citizens are pleased that their new King comes from a great father and hope to see great things with his new title.

Monday, May 30, 2011

A Moral Dilemma

123 Green Ave.
Penticton, British Columbia
V2A 3T1

May 30th, 2011

City Hall
345 Main St.
Penticton, British Columbia
V2A 3Y2

Dear Mr. Mayor,
I send you this letter of reconciliation, concerning Mr. Gunter Grass' irrefutable evidence of commanding a Nazi concentration camp in Poland. I am aware that you know about Mr. Grass' horrible things during the time of the holocaust but I am hoping you will reconsider your thoughts about exposing this to the public.

If you look at Mr. Grass' life, he lived it quite well throughout his ninety-two years of being alive. If you look back at his achievements in life, except his wrong doings in the holocaust, you will see that he has done many positive deeds. As you can see from his records, he served as mayor for thirty-two years. In his years of being mayor he did admirable deeds for the public. He built a profitable factory where many people in the village enjoy working, and are well paid. Without his help of building a place for people to work, the citizens of the village would be making no money to support the needs of their children or themselves. Without this kind of help that Mr. Grass has contributed, the village would of possibly been in a state of poverty. 

Gunter Grass has done exceptional and kind-hearted deeds towards the society of the village. He is looked at as a model citizen and generous man. Over the years of being mayor, he donated very large amounts of money to different charities and would socialize and study the citizens of the village. The people that were in debt and need the money he would aid them and make sure they had enough to cover their expenses.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


            Death is the inevitable thing that will happen to all of us. Whether you have done good things or bad, this dark blind spot in our society could be our end of life, or will it? In today’s society there are many religious beliefs about this thing called “death”. Most of these religions have different perspectives of the afterlife and what happens to you when you have “crossed over”. Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism all have some similarities in their beliefs but their perspectives on the afterlife are all different.

            “Our lord and savior, Jesus Christ,” has always been the main symbol of the Christian religion. The afterlife is a big part of the Christianity belief ever since Jesus was resurrected from his death. The majority of Christians do believe that there is an afterlife, “heaven, and hell”. The Bible refers that if you let go of your regrets and sins to God, or Jesus Christ before you die you will live an eternity of salvation in heaven. Another belief is that if you live a life full of sins you will live an afterlife of eternal damnation in hell. Some Christians are very strong and true to this belief of the afterlife and mainly try to avoid a life of sins. The main symbols of “heaven and hell” are the angels and God, and the demons and the devil for hell. There are many references to the angels and demons, for example in some of the old Looney Toon episodes they have a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. In society Christianity is the most popular religion today, which makes up a big percentage in our world.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

In the novel Tuesdays With Morrie, by Mitch Albom, Morrie explains to Mitch that, "the culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves.[they're] teaching the wrong things. And [people] have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn't work, don't buy it. Create your own culture. Most people can't do it. They're more unhappy than me - even in my present condition." I believe that Morrie is trying to say that our culture and society influence how people think about themselves, but mainly in a bad way. I think that society shows negative things to teens and adults today. For example in magazines like Men's Health and or Cosmo they depict pictures of very rich luxurious items that everyone wants but not always needs. These differences corrupts adults,teens and our future kids to always want more, which is the cycle of supply and demand. Another reason why I think that our society influences teens and adults in a negative way is that in the media they only display pictures of thin,good-looking women and buff,tall men. Many of teens and adults revolve their own habits and living standards too these media stereotypes which makes most of the world unhappy with themselves. The media corrupts our society today by releasing shows about money or making more money because without it people always want more. The crazy thing is how everyone wants more and are never satisfied with their own living standards. Society today is very cruel in a way because they mock or put down anything different from what they want other people to buy. I find not always that finding your own different culture away from the media  is a horrible thing.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

One Year to Live

It’s an average school day and I am going for a monthly check-up. Everything seems to be normal. Waiting to see the results, I hope everything is up to date in my intricate body. To the corner of my eye I can see that my doctor is quite tense and starts to pace around the room impatiently. As soon as I see this I know that something is not right. The doctor comes towards me and speaks softly, but everything that comes out of her mouth is complete gibberish. She eases up on her doctor jargon and bluntly explains that I have a rare cancer growing in my lungs and I only have one year to live. Completely speechless I to go through every event of my life trying to find details or hints of this unknown species that is taking over my body. Every time I think about it, all I hear is “Unfortunately you only have one year to live.” Thinking about it more and more makes me sick to my stomach; I just want to believe that this is just not happening to me. Even though I will die in a year I know I will have to look at the positives such as what I will accomplish in my lifetime. One year probably feels like a long time but to someone who is dying it is not enough. I realize that my priorities in my life are to become closer to my family and friends. With this horrible news I would want my family to not worry so much about my death and to slowly accept it. The last thing I want would be that my family and friends to be grieving for the rest of their lives. My main goal would be travelling just once outside of Canada and see the world differently. I would hope that everything would stay the same. I would go to school and live my life normally, but I would hate the people who say they are sorry for me. I never liked to be the center of attention and with this news it would make it worse. I would hope that later coming close to that year I would accept my death and be happy about my purpose in life.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Writing Dialogue

"Finally," sighed Dad, "they are gone."
"I thought they would never leave!" replied Mom.
"First day of school is always a challenge."
Mom stated, "Our kids are getting older every year."
"Soon they will be graduated and moving out." responded Dad.
"I'm more scared for them," cried out Mom, "then I am scared for myself."
Dad suggested, "At least they are very independent, and we can trust them."
"Of course, I trust them with my life."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The mesmerizing lights flashing in a sequenced effect throughout the cluster of bodies.
Screams and yells drown against the walls.
Heartbeats are racing.
Anticipation is evidently in the air.
Hands are rising in synchronous motion.
Heads nodding, while various feet are jumping to the beat.
“Click” the DJ drops the song.
And the process repeats.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Change in Time.

If I, Tim Lee had the technology or the power to be able to travel back in time I would perhaps have to say that this moment right now, as we speak would be the cause to world destruction, and that's why I would have to change it. Many of you may not know this, but our beloved Mr. Van Camp, a very nice guy as we all know has deceived all ten of the students in his English 11 class. With all ten ideas that we had posted on our very own blogs Mr. Van Camp had secretly written and stored these ideas into his very own time machine. Little did we know that our English teacher spent all his free time building the "Worlds First Time Machine". The time machine was sleek and innovated ,more than anyone could of expected. The wires were florescent as the sun and you could see your reflection for miles. With this new piece of technology Mr. Van Camp took our ideas and used them to his benefits. The first time Mr. Van Camp was very hesitant, but as he traveled more and more he became very familiar with all the controls. As Ben parker from spider man would say "With great power comes great responsibility." As great advice as this was Mr. Van Camp was ultimately bloodthirsty for power. He took all of our ideas and changed the worlds most historic events in one whole day. By doing this Mr. Van Camp became famous for all of his heroic deeds that he did not give his students credit for. I guess karma had a soft side because Mr. Van Camp did not have anything bad happen to him, in fact as strange as this sounds people were treating him as a god and believe it or not I think I saw his hair ever slowly growing  back.